Each game is a new tale.
We are your gateway
to craft its legend.

/ About


We are an independent publisher, formed by passionate gaming industry’s pioneers. Our team is looking forward to unleashing new gaming gems. Join us on this journey!

Content is King

Everything starts with great content. We partner fairly with like-minded game studios wanting an ambitious, values-driven publisher. We are also developing our own game IPs. But most of all, we are gamers. We deliver state of the art publishing services with a fresh twist & global scope, allowing developers to focus on their game knowing that its DNA is always at the heart of our strategies & actions.

Publishing is Queen

With the growing number of releases, great publishing is increasingly important & should be tailored to the needs of each game, studio & market. Shaped by our international background & digital expertise, we unlock what makes each game that unique experience, deploying community marketing activities & earning players’ respect every day.

/ Games

Embark on legendary tales!

Pax DeiJoin thousands of players in a vast social sandbox MMO inspired by the legends of the medieval era and developed by Mainframe Industries.Available on:
WavenWAVEN is a multiplayer online tactical RPG from Ankama Games with unique, colorful graphics, available as a free-to-play game. Available on:
  • Steam
  • Ankama Launcher

/ Team

Meet the team

The New Tales team is a collective of AAA talents, fueled by deep international expertise and capable of providing complete go-to-market services alongside its game production capacities.

Discover the team
Meet the team

/ Studios

Introducing the first NEW TALES internal studio, EMETERIA.


Emeteria is our first development studio based in Lyon, France. Formed by experienced, passionate, and good-hearted game developers on a quest to CRAFT MEMORABLE GAMES, they are working already on our first Action-Adventure RPG game.

See studio page

/ Work with us

We aspire to work with talented people from all walks of life that share our values & vision. Come and join us!

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We don't have any openings yet. Follow us on social media to be notified as openings will be forthcoming! You are welcome to connect with us in the meantime.

We are looking for people with diverse perspectives, start-up scrappiness, a passion for games & player communities.

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